AVE AMP Workstream


Atlas of Variant Effects Alliance Analysis, Modelling and Prediction Workstream

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AVE Analysis, Modelling and Prediction (AMP) Workstream

The Atlas of Variant Effects (AVE) Alliance aims to propel systematic and extensive measurement and analysis of the impact of genetic variants on functional elements of human, model organism and pathogen genomes, to further the understanding of genes, gene products and their regulation and empower the diagnosis and treatment of human disease.

The Analysis, Modelling and Prediction (AMP) Workstream develops strategies to assess variant scoring, error estimation and visualization methods. AMP will evaluate the impact of experimental design choices like library complexity, number of independent cells and sequencing depth on the accuracy of scoring and error estimation. AMP will also be responsible for developing reporting standards to enable evaluation of the quality of MAVE datasets in terms of internal controls, replicability and minimal information to be included.

Members of this group:

All members are expected to follow the AVE Code of Conduct.

Please visit the AVE Alliance website for information on this and other workstreams.

Workstream Leadership:

Project Manager: